The Swazi People Shall Lead All shall have the right to take part in the administration of the country Swaziland is a home to all who live in it Join NOW
There Shall Be Peace and Harmony All disputes shall be settled through negotiations and not force. Only and only the People of Swaziland shall determine their own political and socio-economic future. Join NOW
Educate Mobilise Liberate The people shall enjoy equal treatment irrespective of tribal affiliation All Swazi nationals shall fully be protected against insults to their traditional pride Join NOW

Liberation Charter

Liberation Charter of 2021 (SWALIMO)

We, the People of Swaziland, declare for all our country and the world to know:
that Swaziland belongs to all who live in it, irrespective of gender, creed or race and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of all its inhabitants.
; that our people have tremendously suffered past injustices and have been denied peace, freedom and equality by a greedy authoritarian regime founded on exploitative methods, injustice and inequality;
; that our country will never see Freedom until all our people enjoy equal rights and equal opportunities;
; that only a democratic state, based on the will of all the people, can secure to all their birthright without distinction of color, race, sex or belief;

And therefore, we, the people of Swaziland, black and white together as equals, countrymen and brothers adopt this Liberation Charter;
And we pledge ourselves as a united Swazi Nation to strive together, with wisdom and courage, until the democratic changes set out here have been won.

1. The Swazi People Shall Lead

  • All persons, irrespective of race, sex, color or tribal affiliation shall have the right to take part in the administration of the country.
  • All bodies formed along royal blood, including advisory boards, council and authorities shall be fully replaced by a representative and transparent will of the people.
  •   No one shall represent the people without the will of the people.
  • The parliament shall be by the people, for the people and of the people.
  • The head of state shall be fully accountable to the people together with and elected Cabinet of Ministers.



2. The Swazi People Shall Share The Country’s Wealth

  • All Swazis shall have equal rights to trade according to their preference.
  • All minerals in the state shall benefit the Swazi people and be transferred to all and shall be controlled to benefit the nations as a whole.
  • All heritage and the national wealth of Swaziland shall be preserved and restored to the people of Swaziland.

3. All Swazi Shall Enjoy Freedom And Equal Rights

  • The people shall enjoy equal treatment irrespective of tribal affiliation, ideology, and class.
  • All Swazi nationals shall fully be protected against insults to their traditional pride and discrimination, nepotism shall be punishable by law.
  • All unfriendly and dictated laws shall be set aside and replaced by representative and fully agreed upon laws.

4. All Shall Enjoy Decent Public Health And Free Education

  • There shall be free public health for all, all shall receive the same treatment irrespective of class, ideology or tribal affiliation.
  • Special medical care shall be given to the elderly, women and young children.

5. There shall be houses, security and transparent employment opportunities

  • The state shall care for all orphans, the elderly and people living with disabilities through social grants.
  • Slums shall be replaced with decent state houses with running clean water, electricity and social centers.

6. All Shall Be Equal Before The Law And None Shall Be Above

  • No one shall be unjustly prosecuted and imprisoned without a fair representative trail.
  • The justice systems shall act independently and courts shall be representative of all the people.
  • Imprisonment shall aim at beneficial correctional measures with decent living conditions.

7. There Shall Be Peace and Harmony

  • All disputes shall be settled through negotiations and not force.
  • Swaziland shall remain a fully independent state which respects the rights and sovereignty of all nations;
  • Swaziland shall strive to maintain world peace and foster democratic values and principles and the settlement of all international disputes by negotiation - not war;
  • Peace and friendship amongst all our people shall be secured by upholding the equal rights, opportunities and status of all;
  • Only and only the People of Swaziland shall determine their own political and socio-economic future.

8. The Military And Police Force Shall Protect And Defend The Will Of The Swazi People.

  • All Military Commanders and Police Commissioners shall exercise their duties without fear or intimidation.
  • All Police force shall have a right to abstain from fulfilling their duties under occupation, by reason of conscience, and this shall not affect their professional status.
  • All an armed civilians and persons put out of action by injury, capture or other cause must be respected and protected by the Military and/ or the Police force.

9.    There shall be decent monthly social grants for the elderly, and persons living with disability.

  •  All groups shall enjoy the benefits of the state irrespective of their status in life.
  •  Non shall be deprived decent living conditions and all shall be afforded reasonable financial support in the form of social grants.




10. There shall be a recognition of Traditional Structures and upholders of cultural customs and heritage. 

  • All cultural heritage and the national endowment of Swaziland shall be preserved and restored to the people of Swaziland.
  • Cultural identity shall be owned by the people of Swaziland

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Latest News

January 22 2023 9:47:15 AM
*MEDIA STATEMENT* The assassination of Thulani Maseko is not only a crime to his person and family, but also against the people of our country as a whole. Those responsible for this indescribable act of barbarism and hooliganism have drawn the battlelines against the people in our country. Maseko has spent his life fighting for a just society. Consistent with this, he has been playing a central role in the common effort to arrive at a dialogue to address democratic reforms in the country; including encouraging a spirit of tolerance among our all our people. He is a victim to the cause of justice and peace; hence, his death demands of us that we pursue that cause with even greater vigour and determination. It also demands that we as one people act together decisively with unity, discipline and determination and nothing can stop us. Any disunity is trembling on the values that Thulani stood for and let his memory b...